Who's Who
Clergy & Staff

Parish Priest
Born and brought up in Northern Ireland, Fr Philip read Music at Cambridge with a choral scholarship at Gonville and Caius College. He spent a year as a pastoral assistant in North London before training for ordination at St Stephen’s House, Oxford.
Ordained in 2017, Fr Philip has served at St Michael's, Croydon and St Bartholomew's, Brighton before being instituted and inducted at the Ascension in October 2021.
He is a keen musician in his spare time and a member of two London chamber choirs.
Tel: 020 7228 5340 | ascensionsw11@gmail.com

Southwark Pastoral Auxiliary
Barbara was commissioned as a SPA in 2005 and is a former Lay Chaplain at King’s College Hospital. She formed and runs The Lavender Circle for those with time on their hands as well as the lonely and vulnerable people in the parish.
Tel: 020 8789 2789 | bmarcham@hotmail.co.uk

Southwark Pastoral Auxiliary
Ann was commissioned as a SPA in 2017. She long with Barbara has introduced a Grave Talk initiative. Ann's ministry involves building relationships with new parishioners and supporting those who are grieving.
Tel: 020 7223 2175
Tel: 0783 5323965 | annwarwick1@aol.com
Churchwardens & Parochial Church Council

Ann Warwick
Churchwarden and PCC Treasurer
Tel: 020 7223 2175
Tel: 0783 5323965

Esther Mercer
Tel: 020 7738 1916
Tel: 0795 6498326

Dean Warwick
PCC Lay Chair, Sacristan, Fire Officer and Website Manager

Paul Riche
PCC Secretary

Barbara Marcham
PCC Electoral Role Officer
Tel: 020 8789 2789

Ruth Cansdale
PCC Member, Deanery Synod Rep and Safeguarding Officer
Tel: 0773 7116364

David Neil-Smith
PCC Member and Deanery Synod Rep

Gloria Harper
PCC Member and Fire Officer

Carlene Powell
PCC Member

Cynthia Buchanan
PCC Member
Non PCC Officers